Are You Intimidated by Data?

Take control of your analytics.

A recent Gartner study revealed that while 80% of marketers track revenue, less than 25% are confident presenting their data. 

I believe that is because marketers aren't taught effective data analysis skills. If you have the skills, then the confidence will follow.

STOP copying and pasting data tables into presentations. No one gains anything by looking at 50 pages of data tables. Managers, stakeholders, and clients want to see insights - are you able to give it to them?

Step up your data game with specific frameworks and analysis skills that break down data, make it understandable, and point you to causal factors that you can influence. 

This isn't a survey of an analytics interface. This course teaches you to evaluate, understand, and take action from your data. These skills enable you to operate within any analytics program.

What You'll Learn

Step up your analysis with 6 skills that connect data with insight, actions, and outcomes.  We explore the digital campaign funnel and connect KPI’s to their influencing factors. This is a perfect session for those wishing to get more out of their agency relationships.  

Ultimately, this workshop equips learners with the ability to “know what questions to ask.”  


  • Where Data Comes From
  • Limitations of Analytics
  • Asking Questions of the Data
  • Apply Data Analysis Techniques
  • Connect Causal Factors
  • Maintain Business Objectives
  • Segmenting for Greater Insight
  • Understand Attribution

Companies that have taken this course:

Capital One
Survey Monkey

What they say:

6 Analytics Skills that Drive Insights

  • "I learned about how to look at this topic of data in some new and different ways, anchored back to business strategy. Gave me definitive actions to apply to my data."

  • "Great info, clear explanations, excellent activities."

  • "Matt's pacing was great. He covered dense content that was easy to understand."

  • "Rich content, powerful examples, hands-on tips and best practices."

  • "I was impressed with the activities; they really made me think and apply what I was learning."

Your Instructor, Matt Bailey

Matt Bailey is a digital marketing expert, creating more than $1 billion in revenue for his clients. In 2015, he pivoted his agency to teach and train others how to do the same for their companies and businesses.

From Google, Microsoft, Nationwide, and IBM to the Prime Minister’s office of the United Arab Emirates. From printers to motorcycles to travel, Matt has literally covered every niche you can imagine over the years and every time has seen the same success over and over again.

In fact, if you go look at any of the big names in digital marketing training, you’ll probably find his content there. All of the major training companies, LinkedIn Learning, Udacity, Udemy, Simplilearn, Duke University, Purdue University. . . if they offer digital marketing training, Matt’s courses are part of the program.

That’s because Matt has a reputation for making the complex simple, understandable, and do-able!

Step Up Your Analytics SKills

Stop copying & pasting tables. Turn your data into actionable insights.