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How to use this course
Before we begin...
Keyword Research Mastery: What You'll Learn
Keyword Research Mastery: Why Keywords?
Keyword Research Mastery: Keyword Concepts
Additional Resources
Keyword Research Mastery: Create Your Seed List
Keyword Research Mastery: Free Trial Tools
Keyword Research Mastery: Keyword Tools Demo
Keyword Research Mastery: Keyword Tools Demo - WordTracker
Keyword Research Mastery: Keyword Tools Demo - AI
Additional Resources
Assignment: Create Keyword Lists
Keyword Research Mastery: Group and Organize
Keyword Research Mastery: Find Searcher Intent
Assignment: Group and Organize Keywords
Keyword Research Mastery: Identify Keyword Trends
Keyword Research Mastery: Research Trends and Causality
Additional Resources
Assignment: Identify Trends and Possible Causality
Keyword Research Mastery: Map the Decision Cycle
Additional Resources
Assignment: Map the Customer Search Journey
Keyword Research Mastery: Apply Keyword Trends to Your Content Plan
Keyword Research Mastery: Create a Keyword-Based Taxonomy
Additional Resources
Final Assignment: Build Your Keyword Plan
What Did You Learn?